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Showing posts with the label Billie Holiday

About Dorothy Dandridge

Lena Horne called Dorothy Dandridge"Our Marilyn Monroe" Click on photos to get full view :) I am so grateful that my mother introduced me to Dorothy Dandridge at a very young age (4years old to be exact). My mom even named me after Dorothy's Carmen Jones, only with a "K" i nstead. Ever since I can remember I have admired her hypnotic beauty and couldn't wait to see her work when I got older. One of the first times I viewed many of her movies was on TNT. Ted Turner honored Black History Month by showing alot of our movies on that channel over ten years ago. When Dorothy was featured, I made su re I taped them. Was fortunate to get the Cain's Hundred episode that Dorothy did (Blue's For A Junkm an). For this I must Thank Ted Turner. Now am an avid fan of TCM. Author Donald Bogle has been featured on there many times giving his opinion and expertise on all of his favorite flix and artists ; Dorothy without question is always one of ...